
10 Ways On How to Increase Our Faith in Jesus Christ

“WHAT IS FAITH?” A commonly ask questions to the  Preachers, Teachers, Priests, missionaries of Christ and persons who are servants of Christ un proclaiming the Gospel of His Doctrines. But what really FAITH means?. Other will answer you, FAITH is the key for your salvation. Other may say FAITH is the powerful miracle-giver. Some says, FAITH is just believing in Jesus Christ. And missionaries of Christ said, Faith is the action and power.
Out of these answers, I wonder who really got the correct answer or who really satisfied my question. But one thing is for sure, FAITH is believing for things which are not seen but which are true (see Hebrew 11:1). Just like believing that there is really an air, even if you can’t see it. FAITH is believing that there is truly a GOD if you cannot see Him, rather you feel His presence. Just like the quotation “to feel is to believe!”
But how can we increase our faith in Jesus Christ? What are the things we need to do grow our faith in Him and to testify that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father live.
To have Faith, is to have CONFIDENCE in something or someone. The Lord has revealed Himself and His perfect character, possessing in their fullness all the attributes of love, knowledge, justice, mercy, power and every other needful thing, so as to enable your mind to place confidence in Him with any reservation.
PRAYER is one helpful thing in order to increase your faith on Him. Prayer is the gift given by Jesus Christ & Heavenly Father, for us to communicate to them. Prayer increases our Faith as we sincerely poor out our emotions to our personal prayer. Personal prayer is also an aid for our Faith to grow. As we take a look at the Holy Scriptures, ancient prophets and servants of GOD cry unto the Lord for mercy, and for blessings. And as their personal prayer was answered by the LORD, their faith grows and remain steadfast to Jesus Christ & Heavenly Father.
Faith is kindled by HEARING THE TESTIMONY of those who have faith (see Romans 10:14-17). As members of the Church testify about the truthfulness of the Gospel, the spirit touches the heart of the listeners especially the investigators of the church and let them feel the truthfulness with it. They will feel peace of mind and joy in their heart that will tend to burst and to gain faith and also testimony cannot be questioned by anyone. This will help others to feel and see the faith you have in Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.
Miracles cannot produce faith rather strong faith is developed by OBEDIENCE to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Faith comes with righteousness. Obeying the commandments of God will truly develop your faith unto Him. You will feel that commandments are not a list of restrictions in this life rather a guidelines to a happier and worthwhile living. Upon your obedience, you believed in Christ and the blessings in following these commandments will soon be a factor that will cause your faith to move mountains.
A voluntary abstinence from food or the so called FASTING is a principle of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for developing spiritual strengths and strong faith unto Him and it has always existed among true believers. It has been proven that fasting increases the faith of the believers. Without doubt it was practiced by Adam and his posterity from the begging whenever they had the gospel among them. Fasting will draw you near closer unto God. Just like what Alma did in the Book of Mormon. He did fast and pray to know if the gospel of Jesus Christ was really true. And it caused his faith burst and his joy in knowing the truthfulness of Gospel.
READING & STUDYING SCRIPTURES increases your faith. By reading the Holy Bible, Book of Mormon and other scriptures you will know more about the mysteries and miracles the Lord had done unto this world. As we continue to study, we will gain testimonies and faith will eventually grow. Reading & studying these Holy Scriptures will make you understand how God works and how He blesses His faithful servants. Your faith grows as you become acquainted with him & His teachings as you search scriptures.
REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY, TO KEEP IT HOLY (Exodus 20:8) Attending Church meeting every Sunday and observing it to keep it Holy will increase ones faith. In what sense? Church meeting is exceedingly expedient to be attended. This is only time to worship & thanks God for the blessings and guidance for the whole week. Keeping it Holy blesses your life. As we attend sacrament meeting, we will hear spirit-guided speakers and their strong testimony that will equip your faith to intensify, to grow like a seed that need to be nourished by the Words of God.
Amulek says, “For behold this life is the time for men to prepare to meet God; yea behold the day of this life is the day for men to perform their labors” (Alma 34:32) if this is the time of preparation to meet God, then what should we do? REPENTANCE for our sins also increase ones faith. How? If you are true and sincere to feel sorry for all your sins to the Lord, Faith grows. Just like what happened to Mary Magdalene, the lady who committed adultery, people sent her to Jesus and cast by stone but Jesus said “Those who have no sin will be the first to cast her.” But no one did. And he said, “Go and sin no more.” At that scenario, we can perceive that Mary Magdalene, as she continues to her life, she repented and gain faith in Jesus Christ. If you repent and promise not to do the things you ought to do before, remission to your sins will be awarded and faith will be developed.
TO BE BAPTIZED IN THE TRUE CHURCH LEADS YOUR FAITH TO GROW. To be baptized, you must have the faith and you fully repented all your sins. To become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints is the way on how to cause your faith to grow. You will learn about the power of God (see D&C 84:20). When we baptized, we begin a new life of commitment to Christ (Romans 6:3-8) and that is an indicator that we have increased our faith in Christ—the LORD.
“Surely the Lord will do nothing but he revealeth his secrets unto his servants, the PROPHETS (Amos 3:7)” From this verse we can say that God only reveal his secrets and mysteries to the chose man who has a great faith. LISTENING TO THE WORDS OF PROPHETS,& APOSTLES OF CHRIST INCREASES OUR FAITH. The teachings of the living prophets provide an anchor of eternal truth in the world of shifting values and help us to avoid miseries and sorrows. As they speak, God speaks unto us. And those who believe and live the counsel of our living prophets and apostles will not go astray. You will increase our faith as the mysteries & secrets of God reveals unto his seers and revelators. Attending Church General Conference will equip you with burning faith in Jesus Christ as we listen to the spirit-guided speakers and their talks about the words of God.
I am grateful that God sent missionaries to me. And the missionaries of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter- Day Saints really got the correct answer that FAITH is the principle of Action & Power. Faith in Jesus Christ is more than a belief since true faith moves it possessors to some kind of physical and mental action. That we have to do all these things to cause our faith burning and intestifying for our whole life through. Truly, Definitely, & absolutely, FAITH WITHOUT WORK IS DEAD!
                                                                            -BRO. DINO S. DIZON
                                                                     LINGAYEN 1ST WARD SAINTS

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Testimony From Within

I am on my way to the church trying to catch up with the sacrament meeting, and as usual, I’m late. I can’t wait to enter the sacrament hall, but something makes me walk slowly, it feels like every thing is suddenly all in slow-mo. When suddenly, I realized with a bursting feeling that it’s already my one year anniversary as a member at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints of Lingayen 1st ward.
                I can still remember my 1st day to step on the ground of the church. At that instance I felt like an Astronaut, landing on the moon, weightless, repulsive and alone. I was getting started meeting different kinds of alien, with different colors, shapes and sizes. I thought, I would be alone but as the members of the church, my brothers and sisters in Christ welcome me with their sweet smile as they were about to make shake hands with me, feeling of diffused. I really love their company. They are so good to me. At that time, I really felt the love of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. Lingayen One Saints were very approachable and you will really enjoy the company they have.
                And as I got baptized to this true Church of Christ, my mysteries of Latter-Day Saints revealed unto me. I found and that they are not just a friend but acts more than your true brothers and sister- a Loving family under the organization of Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ. Despite of their many differences, there is only one thing these people were united-(and that is the restored fullness of the gospel of Christ) building the Kingdom of God here on Lingayen. The love concern of the member for each other gives me a sense of belonging. They are definitely GREAT!
                The Church and the Lingayen Saints, really an extraordinary one. Their standard is high. It is good to with people who don’t smoke or drink, people who don’t wear revealing outfits and people who have good morals. How amazing it is, to be with these kind of people.
                How grateful I am to be a part of my Mormon Family in Lingayen 1st ward. Can you imagine, 1st ward is populated with different kinds of people with exceedingly great characteristics and with a Christlike Attributes? Well, I feel the Spirit of God everytime I used to be with these people and everytime I used to go to the Church every Sunday.
                Aside from, friendly and Christ like members of this Church, its programs and activities were really helpful to become a productive person. Seminary & Institute of religion are just only the one among there helpful programs of the Church. There, you will study the scriptures together with the members and a spirit-guided teacher. You will learned about what are the things you really need to do and what is the purpose of life here on earth. Knowledge that you will gain in these programs will really make you a very productive and self-reliant son of God.
                The teachings of the Church was really true. And I absolutely know it with all my heart. I did pray and fast as what missionaries of Jesus Christ had taught me. Embracing the gospel, really changed me. It was wonderful to go to the Church and find families, sitting together, to be taught about love, mutual respect, and understanding.
                The Church focuses on the Youth of today’s Generation. The gospel illuminated the life of these young men and women to stand righteous on the last day.
                The Church widens my perspective in life. It helped me to draw near closer to the Lord as I am trying to obey all the commandments. This is the only place where I found the greatest happiness which I was searching before. And no one can replace this to me. This is really the TRUE CHURCH!
                Missionary work is also one thing I liked most in this church. Ward missionaries together with the called Fulltime Missionaries served GOD; they strive hand to gather the lost tribe of Israel prior to the plan of Heavenly Father’s gathering of the House of Israel. I really like this work! It exposed me with different people. And as I go with then preaching the very sacred and wonderful tidings that Gospel of Jesus Christ is now Restored, I grow spiritually and at the same time temporally. Indeed missionary work is the most wonderful and marvelous work in the world.
                And now, as I continue for this journey. As I remain steadfast to the work of God, as I strongly cling to the iron rod, I know that there’s more to come. There’s more to be revealed and to be discovered. I know, without any doubt and question, this is truly the only Church of GOD. The only organized church where Christ and Heavenly Father reign. And You, You, You my friend, after you have know all of these, Jesus surely invites you to come unto him to receive the restored gospel of Him, through your faith in Him, REPENTANCE, BAPTISM, RECEVING THE GIFT OF HOLY GHOST AND ENDURING TO THE END. Jesus invites you to draw near to Him and to feel and receive all blessings in embracing this Gospel. “Unto Him be the glory in the Church By Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen ”(Eph.3:21)
                                                                                                           -Bro. Dino Dizon
                                                                                                           Lingayen 1st Ward
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Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy Top 10 reasons

The Sabbath was observed as directed by the Lord in these and other scriptures until the time of Jesus Christ. During these centuries, many uninspired religious leaders placed many restrictions on what a person could do on the Sabbath. For example, they taught that a fire could not be started or put out on the Sabbath. A person could untie a knot only if it could be done with one hand. One mile was the limit anyone could walk. Broken bones could not be reset until after the Sabbath.
It became so difficult for the people to obey all the rules that they forgot the true purpose of the Sabbath day. Rather than being a blessing and a joy, the Sabbath became a burden.
President George Albert Smith explained what our attitude toward the Sabbath should be: “[The Lord] has set apart one day in seven, not to make it a burden, but to bring joy into our lives and cause that our homes may be the gathering place of the family, … increasing our love for one another” (“Obey the Commandments,” Improvement Era, Jan. 1949, 9).

10. The Bible, in both Old and New Testaments, consistently calls the seventh day of the week (Saturday) the Sabbath. The first day of the week (Sunday) is never so designated.
9. God himself instituted the Sabbath at Creation by doing three things:
a. He “rested” (literally, ceased) from His creative work on the seventh day (Genesis 2:2).
b. He “blessed” (conferred favor or approval) on the seventh day (v. 3).
c. He “sanctified” (set apart for special care or use) the seventh day (v. 3).
8. The Sabbath is the fourth of the Ten Commandments, recorded in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. In Exodus 20 the Sabbath serves as a symbol of Creation — a day to remember God as Creator: “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work . . . For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it” (Exodus 20:8-11).
In Deuteronomy 5 the Sabbath also serves as a symbol of redemption — a day to remember God as Redeemer: “Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy . . . and remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and that the Lord your God brought you out from there by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm; therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day” (Deuteronomy 5:12-15).
7. Jesus affirmed that the Sabbath was a Creation ordinance that God intended for the benefit of humanity: “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath” (Mark 2:27). Jesus’ use of the words made and man link the Sabbath to Creation just as His use of the same words identify marriage as a Creation ordinance: “But at the beginning of creation, God ‘made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’; so they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate” (Mark 10:6-9). The divine intent of the Sabbath is as universally applicable as is the institution of marriage.
6. Jesus also affirmed the redemptive aspect of the Sabbath through His own ministry. As God gave the Hebrews rest from Egyptian bondage, so Jesus has given those who trust in Him rest from the bondage of sin: “Come unto Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). To illustrate His redemptive work, Jesus performed many of His healing miracles on the Sabbath, thus setting the captives free from their infirmities and declaring that “it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath” (Matthew 12:12). He did this on the basis of His divine authority as the “Lord of the Sabbath” (Mark 2:28).
As the Sabbath reminded the Hebrews of their deliverance from Egypt, so it reminds many Christians of their deliverance from sin. Both events were solely the work of God, rather than human effort. Therefore, the Sabbath as a symbol of redemption teaches us to rest in Christ as if all our work were done in Him.
5. The weekly Sabbath is also a symbol of the coming kingdom of God, when believers will enjoy an unending sabbath-rest (see Hebrews 4:1-10, especially verse 9, which speaks of the eternal rest that still awaits the people of God). Each weekly observance is an earthly foretaste of the heavenly rest, peace, and fellowship to come.
4. As a regular practice, Jesus observed the Sabbath throughout His ministry (Luke 4:16). Apostle Paul and the early church, including Gentile believers, also used the Sabbath as a day for worship, preaching, prayer, and evangelism (Acts 13:42-44; 16:13; 17:2-4; 18:1, 4, 11).
3. The Sabbath offers a practical benefit for human wellness — time off for physical, mental, and spiritual rest. The weekly cycle of the seventh day liberates us from the tyrannies of modern life: tension from the clock, overtime, rushing to and fro, business and busyness, buying and selling, producing and consuming, work and worry. It’s a day to let go, to be free from the necessity of doing and to enjoy just being, a day of divine rest for human restlessness, a gift to renew and refresh body and soul.
2. By freeing us from the demands of the work week, the Sabbath offers another important benefit: time to cultivate and restore human relationships. Life is most worthwhile and fulfilling through contact and interaction with others. However, due to hectic schedules, we often neglect the very relationships essential to our human existence. The Sabbath allows us to slow down and touch the lives of others in meaningful ways. It affords quality time to bond with family and friends and to fellowship with the community of faith. As a symbol of rest and release from bondage, the Sabbath also invites us to reach out to the community-at-large, to help neighbors who are hurting by meeting their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. After all, cultivating and restoring human relationships is what Jesus had in mind when He said, “It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath” (Matthew 12:12).
1. Finally, the Sabbath provides an opportunity to cultivate the most important relationship in our lives — our relationship with God. While we may attempt to worship God throughout the week, our human tendency is to rush along, offering Him a fleeting nod here and there. That’s why the Sabbath (which literally means “to cease”) calls on us to make a purposeful decision to cease from our worldly activities and cares and to focus our attention on God, to commune with Him through worship, prayer, and Bible reading. By spending uninterrupted time with Him, we become more sensitive to His presence and are reminded of His claim on our lives. We see that the whole of our existence is wrapped up in Him — our past, present, and future — because He is our Creator, Redeemer, and coming King. Therefore, when we observe the Sabbath, we are actually pausing to remember that we belong to God. It is not the Sabbath that we worship but the God behind the Sabbath. The Sabbath is merely a time memorial, a needful tool to help us focus our attention on the Source of all things. And when we look to the Source for our existence, then all the other things in our lives are put into perspective.
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Baptism for the deadvicarious baptism or proxy baptism is the religious practice of baptizing a living person on behalf of one who is dead, with the living person acting as the deceased person's proxy. Those who practice this rite view baptism as an indispensable requirement to enter the Kingdom of God, and thus practice Baptism for the Dead to give those who have died without ever having had the opportunity to receive baptism the opportunity to receive it by proxy if they wish. Baptism for the Dead is best known as a doctrine of the Latter Day Saint movement, where it has been practiced since 1840. It is currently practiced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), where it is performed only in dedicated temples, as well as in several (but not all) other current factions of the Latter Day Saint movement.

How To Prepare:

1.          1. Have faith in Jesus Christ. Be baptized and confirmed a member of His Church. Boys must hold the Aaronic priesthood.
2.             2.   Keep the commandments and make good choices. Repent when you do something wrong.
3.          3. Have an interview with your bishop or branch president. If you are worthy, he will give you a limited-use temple recommend.
4.      4.Help do Family work so you can take family names to the temple, if possible. Study the scriptures and Church publications that will help you understand temple work.

On The Day:
5.        5.Dress in your church clothes. Be clan and well groomed. Read the scriptures or Church magazines, or listen to uplifting music.
6.          6. Pray to feel the Holy ghost when you are in the temple. Don’t take books, electronics, or music on the way to the temple that will not help you feel reverent.

In The Temple:
7.              7.You will be given white clothing to change into. White is a symbol of purity and cleanliness. At the baptismal font you may be able to watch others being baptized for the dead.
8.         8. While you wait, you can pray and ponder.  The temple is a special place where you can be close to Heavenly Father.
9.             9.You will be confirmed for people who have already had their baptisms performed for them.            
       10.Think about those you were baptized and confirmed for and the blessings that will now be available to them because of your temple service.

-By Elyssa J. Kirkham
(Liahona Magazine Sept.2011 Edition)
-The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

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Top 10 Ways to Spiritually Prepare to Enter LDS Temples

 Active Latter-day Saints may attend LDS temples by meeting certain requirements and having worthiness interviews with members of the Bishopric and/or Stake Presidency. Before entering LDS temples we should spiritually prepare ourselves so that we are ready to receive additional understanding and enlightenment. Here is a list of ten ways we can better prepare ourselves to be spiritually ready to enter LDS temples.

1. Pray

Prayer is one of the best ways we can spiritually prepare ourselves. Pray for help to be prepared to enter the LDS temple during the week before you go as well as on the actual day of your visit. Pray for specific things you wish to learn, feel, and understand as you visit the House of the Lord. For those who have LDS temple recommends you can pray for those whose names you will place on the prayer roll. Make your prayers specific and continue to pray both during and after your visit.

2. Fast

Choosing to fast before entering LDS temples helps us to be more in tune with the Holy Ghost. Personal revelation, answers to prayers, and the peace of the Holy Spirit come more easily when we fast, especially when we fast with a purpose. Choose one or two very specific needs (for yourself or others) that you wish to fast about. To help dedicate your fast to the Lord open and close it with prayer. Focus on the things you are fasting for during the entire day of your visit to the LDS temple.

3. Study Scriptures

Studying the scriptures and church material is an important way to spiritually prepare ourselves. Before you go study a specific topic such as charity, families, the creation, or how to feel the Spirit. Memorize a verse or two and ponder on it before, during and after you visit the LDS temple. For those who will be attending for the first time study these Bible Dictionary topics: Anoint, Atonement, Christ, Covenant, Fall of Adam, Sacrifices, and Temple. (See Suggested Reading below for more.)

4. Sing or Listen to Hymns

Music is a key element to opening our hearts and minds to feel the Spirit. During the week, and especially on the day you plan to attend the LDS temple, sing or listen to church hymns, instrumental music, or other uplifting songs of praise. Listen to the music as you do other things during the day (such as in a car, at work, or while at home) and then continue to listen after you've left the temple. Listening to inappropriate music will drive away the Spirit so choose good music the entire day!

5. Read Your Patriarchal Blessing

Reading over our patriarchal blessings helps us remember the blessings and counsel we've been given. During the day of your LDS temple visit ponder on those things in your patriarchal blessing that you need to work on or that you'd like to understand better. Remember to pray about it too. Make a goal that will help you fulfill the blessings of, or understand better, your patriarchal blessing. If you don't have a patriarchal blessing make a goal that will help prepare you to receive it.

6. Think and Say Only Positive Things

Positive thoughts and words can greatly support our spiritual preparation, especially when they replace negative ones. Only think or say those things that are kind and uplifting. When negative thoughts come to your mind change them so they become good and positive. During the week before and on the day of your LDS temple trip choose to only think and say those things the Lord would approve of. Pray for help to achieve this goal as well as to remember it during times of conflict or contention.

7. Count Your Blessings

Counting our blessings helps us remember the numerous things we've been so generously blessed with and these feelings of gratitude help us open up to the Spirit. Write on a piece of paper 100 things you are thankful for. If you find it easy write another 100. Place your list where you can often read and add to it, such as in your journal, scriptures, or on the refrigerator. On the day you go focus on those blessings that come from regular LDS temple attendance. Make a goal to attend more often.

8. Share Your Testimony

When we share our testimonies with others the spirit confirms it to those who's hearts are open. Share your testimony about the importance of LDS temples with a nonmember or a young child. Tell them why you are going and what you feel there. If you are going for the first time ask a friend, family member, leader, or home/visiting teacher to share their testimony with you. Sharing spiritual experiences related to LDS temple work is also a great way to become more spiritually prepared to go.

9. Review Your Covenants & Research Your Family History

Remembering our baptismal covenants (and endowments for those who have received them) will help us to be more spiritually prepared to enter LDS temples. Researching our family history will quickly invite the spirit into our hearts as we help our ancestors receive their covenants. If you don't know how to do family history talk with someone from your Family History Center or visit the official LDS web site familysearch.org. You can also begin by writing your own family history or a journal entry.


Wearing clothes that are appropriate on Sundays is a wonderful way to help us focus on our spiritual preparation. Wear church attire on the day you plan to attend the LDS temple. This will help you remember that you will soon be entering the House of the Lord. It also creates the perfect opportunity to do missionary work if people ask why you're dressed up. (See #8 above.) Continuing to wear your church clothing after leaving will help you maintain the spirit of LDS temple attendance.
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Before you were born on the earth, you lived in the presence of your Heavenly Father as one of His spirit children. In this premortal existence, you attended a council with Heavenly Father’s on spirit children. At that council, Heavenly Father presented His great plan of happiness.

Here are the verses which testify about Pre-existence or Premortal Life:
1.      Job 38:4-7 “Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest?
 or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? Or who laid the corner stone thereof;  When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”
2.      Ec. 12:7 “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it”.
3.      Jer. 1:4-5 “Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Before I informed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.”
4.      Acts 17:28 “ For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.”
5.      Eph. 1:3-4 “Blessed be the God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: ”
6.      Heb.12: 9 “Further we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?”
7.      Jud. 1:6 “And the angels which kept not their first estate , but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.”
8.      Alma 13:3 “And this is the manner after which they were ordained – being called and prepared from the foundation of the world according to the foreknowledge of God, on account of their exceeding faith and good works; in the first place being left to choose good or evil; therefore they having chosen good, and exercising exceedingly great faith, are called with a holy calling, yea, with that holy calling which was prepared with, and according to, a preparatory redemption for such. ”
9.      Num. 16: 22 (Num. 27: 16) God of the spirits of all flesh.
10.  Rev. 12: 7 Michael and his angels fought against the dragon.
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Top 10 Most Expensive Watches in The World

Watches are worn in today’s world not just for time, but it’s a symbol of style, fashion and being cool. How much expensive your watch is the more it will look as a symbol of your luxurious life. Here we have the post of the top 10 most expensive watches. These watches are not only beautiful but they are awesome in many other ways. Let’s check them out!

1. Joaillerie 101 Manchette

Joaillerie 101 Manchette most expensive watch 1 Top 10 Most Expensive Watches in The World
These are made by Jaeger-LeCoulture and these are the most expensive watches of the world. This watch has a jewelry puzzle below. There are gold, silver and diamond cabochons. These watches have 576 diamonds and 18 carat white gold, there prices vary from the amount of jewels it has even they have 400 diamonds too.

2. Tour de I’lle

Tour de I’lle most expensive watch 2 Top 10 Most Expensive Watches in The World
These watches are manufactured in Vacheron Constatatin and it was first designed in 2005. These are limited edition watched with 18 carat gold; the buckle is made of pink gold. It has features like sunset time, second time zone, minute repeater and a tourbillion device.

3. Big Bang Chronograph

Big Bang Chronograph most expensive watch 3 Top 10 Most Expensive Watches in The World
These are manufactured by Hublot, Bunter SA; Hublot is in alliance with a diamond setting workshop, Bunter SA. These are worth 1 million dollars, only the diamonds are seen on this watch and everything else is totally disappeared.

4. Classical Billionaire Tourbillion

Classical Billionaire Tourbillion Most expensive Watch 4 Top 10 Most Expensive Watches in The World
This beauty is manufactured by Corum and wears 850 diamonds; this watch is manually wound with 90-hour power reserve. Its price is 998,000 dollars. These are a real LIMITED edition.

5. Tenica Skeleton Chronograph

Tenica Skeleton Chronograph Most expensive Watch 5 Top 10 Most Expensive Watches in The World
These are manufactured by Parmigiani Fleurier and it is a huge hit in the market already! This has a platinum case and has a minute repeater, tourbillon and chronograph. It is worth $850,000.

6. Grande Complication

Grande Complication Most expensive Watch 6 Top 10 Most Expensive Watches in The World
This one is manufactured by Blancpain, it boasts a minute repeater, split-seconds chronograph, tourbillon, perpetual calendar, moon phase and an automatic winding mechanism. The most awesome this about this watch is the crocodile wristband which gives it a LOOK! These watches are worth $785,000.

7. Opera One

Opera One Most expensive Watch 7 Top 10 Most Expensive Watches in The World
These are manufactured by Girard-Perregaux, it has a 75-hour power reserve, minute repeater, manual winding and lot more. It is worth $495,000.

8. Double Tourbillon

Double Tourbillon Most expensive Watch 8 Top 10 Most Expensive Watches in The World
It comes with an image of solar system. It has 95% pure platinum case and is worth $329,000.

9. Titanic Watches

Titanic Watches Most expensive Watch 9 Top 10 Most Expensive Watches in The World
These watches are made from the hull of the Titanic and are manufactured by Romain Jerome which is a Swiss Jeweler. Its metal has been mixed with the shipbuilding steel. These are worth $152,435.

10. Zadora Timepieces

Zadora Timepieces Most expensive Watch 10 Top 10 Most Expensive Watches in The World
These are manufactured by Andreas von Zadora-Gerlof, it wears black and canary yellow diamonds, and peer shaped emerald eyes and a baroque south sea pearl in its mouth. It is worth $150,000.

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10 Best Tips on How to Cure Dengue Fever – [Treatment]

If you are not one of the victims of dengue, at least be prepared on how you would handle a patient in your family who is showing the symptoms of this dreaded mosquito disease. To those who have surpassed this stage and recovered because of their own judgment to bring their love ones to the hospital, such efforts and initiative is admired. Hence, to those who are not aware of how serious dengue is and do not know how to give the right treatment, it is best to read this whole article so you won’t panic, and focus if this strikes in your territory at the time that you are defenseless and not really secured.

10. Enough Bed Rest
10. Enough Bed Rest e1316704625938 10 Best Tips on How to Cure Dengue Fever   [Treatment]
This is the basic step that you have to make whether you are the one who has been suspected of dengue or other members of your family. You have to make sure that an individual is resting or sleeping in a very comfortable place without any interruption but have proper ventilation. Make sure that it is away from all noise and other disturbances. It should be a quiet place and avoid turning the television on and other music components at home.

9. Give Basic Medication for Fever and Pain
9. Give Basic Medication for Fever and Pain e1316704662678 10 Best Tips on How to Cure Dengue Fever   [Treatment]
You should only give tablets or any syrup based on the patient’s conditions and age. Hence, as per health guidelines given in all hospitals, Paracetamol is recommended within 24 hours, which is not more than 4 times to be taken if the fever reached above 39°C. Hence, there are recommended table drafts of dosage according to specific age groups. Nonetheless, it is discouraged to give Aspirin or Brufen to children because it may cause bleeding or gastritis that will trigger other complications for dengue. Moreover, antibiotics are highly excluded for basic medication since it would not help the condition of patients but it would even cause sudden bleeding.

8. More Fluids
8. More Fluids e1316704695743 10 Best Tips on How to Cure Dengue Fever   [Treatment]
Dehydration is one of the obvious results or effects for any individual who has confirmed dengue fever. This is the reason why you have to give or serve more fluids or any liquids that he or she can take while resting. Even when the person does not want it, you have to monitor it to be assured that he or she will not be dehydrated. Otherwise, you have to rush the person to a nearby hospital to receive proper dehydration treatment, which is in dextrose form.

7. Tepid Sponging
7. Tepid Sponging e1316704726999 10 Best Tips on How to Cure Dengue Fever   [Treatment]
Aside from Paracetamol that will decrease the level of fever temperature of patients, you have to continuously and alternately give warm tepid sponging to absorb the level of heat in the body. This would help to lower it down hot body temperature a bit and to avoid dehydration.

6. Monitor Blood Pressure
6. Monitor Blood Pressure e1316704759101 10 Best Tips on How to Cure Dengue Fever   [Treatment]
If you have a sphygmomanometer at home and you know how to use it, it is best to randomly check the person’s blood pressure so you would know if it is normal or has irregular results of blood pressure. This is a critical indication if you would need to continue the basic treatments that you are doing at home and could bring these records too, once you have found out that the situation of your loved one is not changing and worsening. It would help medical attendees to assess the condition of the member of your family.

5. Serve Foods Rich in Vitamin to Strengthen Immune System
5. Serve Foods Rich in Vitamin to Strengthen Immune System e1316704794574 10 Best Tips on How to Cure Dengue Fever   [Treatment]
You still need to serve best foods from fruits and vegetables to them. Of course, you have to check their appetite if they want it or not. Hence, you should maintain nutritious foods, especially vitamin rich food selections that would boost and strengthen the immune system of the person to get through with the pain and uncomfortable feeling which is being build up in the body.

4. Rush to the Hospital in Extreme Cases
4. Rush to the Hospital in Extreme Cases e1316704842137 10 Best Tips on How to Cure Dengue Fever   [Treatment]
If the basic treatments that you have been serving to your loved one are not enough, it is a basic prerogative to bring them to the hospital. This is wise for them to receive necessary examinations where doctors can give you direct advice or appropriate medications should in case the dengue case is beyond the normal days, especially if symptoms of dengue are at its worst state. Physicians and other medical specialist are the best people who are trained how to give the right remedy to your loved one.

3. Oxygen if Needed
3. Oxygen if Needed e1316704891754 10 Best Tips on How to Cure Dengue Fever   [Treatment]
This is another option but it rarely happens just in case the patient is very ill or still in shock state. This is a case-to-case basis and it is up to the bodily response of the person. Oxygen is needed to stabilize the blood and promote its healthy state. It is also encouraged to use this treatment if the patient is in shock where blood pressure and pulse cannot be traced or measured. It raises the hematocrit, where improvement with the condition of the individual is observed.

2. Blood Transfusion if Advised
2. Blood Transfusion if Advised e1316704963290 10 Best Tips on How to Cure Dengue Fever   [Treatment]
Blood transfusion can be done to replace whole blood and dying red cells as the disease is incurring blood loss while everything happens. It replenishes everything aside from the platelets that have been declining in numbers due to the affecting virus. It can be used in two ways. One, if the warning signs are overwhelming where decreasing hematocrit is observed, and two, when the situation go worse wherein a consistent supply of fresh blood should be administered to lessen fatal risks involved.

1. Platelet Transfusion if Platelet Count Went down
1. Platelet Transfusion if Platelet Count Went down e1316705007233 10 Best Tips on How to Cure Dengue Fever   [Treatment]
One of the worst impacts and complications in experiencing dengue fever is the gradual decrease of platelets in the blood. How difficult can the situation be? When platelets are low, there are lesser blood components that assure the non-occurrence of blood clotting. Internal bleeding can happen, thus loss of blood is seen. If this situation is not treated, then thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) may threaten the life of the person where blood clots will form all over the body. So before everything grows too late, have that platelet transfusion done so that recovery and smooth blood circulation can be promoted.

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10 Weirdest Ice Cream Flavors

Among all the sweets that could break our heart and diet aside from cake is ice cream. It has been an all-time favorite not just of kids but also even by adults. A scoop or a cup of it would definitely suffice after supping from a delightful meal. Yet, it is true that it would add an inch or two to your waistline but have you ever thought that aside from the typical and favorite flavors that you will get to see in the store and others commercially, there other weirdest ice cream flavors in town? Read on and find out about it yourself.

10. Pit Viper
10. Pit Viper e1317664583858 10 Weirdest Ice Cream Flavors
This is a creation and invention of Japan who is known for the weirdest and unique flavors of ice cream. It comes from the poisonous reptile and scariest on earth, none other than the snake. Its main ingredient is a milk-snake mash that tastes like bile.

9. Wasabi Ice Cream
9. Wasabi Ice Cream e1317664728535 10 Weirdest Ice Cream Flavors
Another unique combination from a wildest mind of Japanese ice creams, which actually comes from the spicy horseradish plus a mixture of raw fish.

8. Amonia Nastiness
8. Amonia Nastiness e1317664691143 10 Weirdest Ice Cream Flavors
From the word itself, it is indeed nasty because it has a substantial amount of Ammonia that could make anyone sleep because of the drowsy feeling it can cause because of the strong effect it has into someone’s sinus, once taken. It also has a salty licorice as one of its ingredients.

7. Garlic Ice Cream
7. Garlic Ice Cream e1317664799618 10 Weirdest Ice Cream Flavors
Garlic is like a perfume whenever you smell it being cooked in oil together with onion. The place that holds the title as the garlic capital of the world, which is California, is the maker of this ice cream and it really proves the world that they deserve the title. This is actually the popular and main attraction with their annual celebration known as Gilroy Garlic Festival.

6. Bacon Ice Cream
6. Bacon Ice Cream e1317664843185 10 Weirdest Ice Cream Flavors
Your favorite breakfast menu combined with sunny-side up egg is now turned to be your next best selection of ice cream flavors. In fact, it is also combined with candy flavor but majority did not like the combination but you could try how to eat breakfast in a sweetest way, which is unique.

5. Foie Gras
5. Foie Gras e1317664888816 10 Weirdest Ice Cream Flavors
It is called Foie because it is a liver of a duck or goose which is actually forcefully being fed to reach the desired fatness where it can be used to produce the creamiest kick of ice cream. This is known and created in France and would cost you $150 to have a taste of it.

4. Crab Ice Cream
4. Crab Ice Cream e1317664928420 10 Weirdest Ice Cream Flavors
Another weird ice cream from Japan, which came from crabmeat, as the title suggests. Everyone is aware that Japan is rich in seafood and other delightful delicacies but this one may not be their citizen’s favorite. You could try it for the sake of curiosity.

3. Squid Ink
3. Squid Ink e1317664993819 10 Weirdest Ice Cream Flavors
Another invention that can be found among the collections of newest and craziest flavors of ice creams in Japan where definitely comes from the ink of the squid. Aside from that, they are combination of shrimp, octopus, fish, eel, and whale.

2. Fish Ice Cream
2. Fish Ice Cream e1317665033304 10 Weirdest Ice Cream Flavors
Japan has bagged the second spot with their smelly fish ice cream because its main ingredient is saltwater fish with a mix of brandy to lessen the smell but it tastes fish still.

1. Horse Meat
1. Horse Meat e1317665080786 10 Weirdest Ice Cream Flavors
The number one spot still belongs to Japan because the horsemeat, which is being avoided by people not just in Japan but across the world has become the main ingredient for this number one and weirdest flavor that Japan has ever invented. It might be radical in concept, yet it has chewy stallion chunks inside. Just imagine how your stomach would react with it. Be ready to make a real battle.

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